The field of technical writing keeps growing. You might be a student, graduate or experienced worker seeking out a suitable career path. Technical writing is a great career path to consider. According to statistics from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects, technical writing has grown by 15% since 2012. Most of this projections arise from continued scientific and technical projects as well as support from web-based products.
What Does Technical Writing Entail?
Mostly technical writers prepare instruction manuals along with several other support documents. These writers also collect and synthesize technical information between various manufacturers, designers and customers. They are best suited at technical communication. Their work description involves translating dense reported and guide manuals packed with information and effectively translating them into a language that reaches their target audience understands. If you are proficient in explaining complicated procedures and projects in an easy to follow simple-step procedure, technical writing is your best option. On average around 25% of a technical writer time is actually spent writing. The rest of the time is spent interviewing the people you are coordinating with.
What Is The Job Experience?
A good number of technical writers work full-time. It mostly makes sense if we are referring to communication and writing skills. Companies that produce documentation regularly prefer developing the technical writers’ expertise rather than shoehorning them into communications roles for which their skill sets are inadequate. Despite several writers finding full-time jobs a good number thrive working on freelance basis. Those with strong portfolios and broad networks can comfortably balance between scheduling flexibility and reliable incomes. Most technical writing contracts are measured in months unlike the shorter time frames which are required for one-off article and blog posts. This allows technical freelance writers to be more predictable with their incomes than other contracted employees. ,
What Academic Qualifications Are Required?
Technical writing is considered a new field. A good number of technical writers approach the field with degree backgrounds in science, engineering, English, computer science and journalism. For the best transition a degree on a technical field can be very beneficial. For those still studying in school they can demonstrate their knowledge through various exams and courses.
Difference between Regular and Technical Writing
- Precision – It’s not about creating a scene but getting your point across with very few words.
- Simplicity – Technical writing does not require flowery content. Adapt to writing simple sentences. Ensure your content is arranged in short sentences.
- Begin With Key Information atop – This covers the entire document an all its aspects. The beginning of paragraphs in particular the first sentence is very important.
- Can Be Scanned Easily – A reader can quickly scheme through by checking out the numbered lists and bullet points. A quick scheme should enable the reader to grasp key points without having to dig into content for them.